Wednesday, November 16, 2011
10/28 - Whole Foods, Beachwood
Mandy looked adorable as a flapper, but she looks adorable even when she's not in costume.
Some of the kids were dressed up, mostly of the princess and witch variety, East Side Chuck was not dressed up this year either and he was a little too busy enjoying his date to pay any attention to us.
Jim and Paula were there....also NOT in costume and Paula had been over the moon about dressing up when we had talked about it at the previous WF gig. I have a feeling there was a compromise involved.
Tony was his cheerful self. It's always a pleasure to talk with him.
A super duper cute little boy was there with mom and dad in tow, sporting his red guitar. "Do You Know the Muffin Man" is the extent of his songlist so far, but it's a song that Mudcat didn't know. Perhaps we'll add it to our repertoire. Perhaps not.
10/22 - Stop 45
It's a wine bar with a train theme going on with an actual working model that goes around the room on a shelf up by the ceiling. Unfortunately, it wasn't running....guess I could have asked Tom to turn it on for us, but I didn't. They also have the obligatory wine theme as well.
Interesting combination.
As we're bringing in the equipment and looking at our little corner of the world for the evening, discussing what could go where, one of the patrons comes up to us tells us to have a seat and stick around, because the band will be starting soon. Good to know. And then he left.
During the middle-ish, everyone got their checks at the same time and then did a mass exodus. That was not a good thing, playing to an empty place, but we kept going and soon enough, second shift came in.
We didn't eat there, but the pizzas that were coming out of the kitch parading by us on their way to the tables looked pretty tasty.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
10/15 - Sammy K's Steakhouse
10/14 - Cabana's
Friday, November 11, 2011
10/7 - Whole Foods, University Hts
10/1 - Riverside Wines
9/23 - Whole Foods, Beachwood
Monday, October 10, 2011
9/19 - Rudy's Bar and Grill
It was so nice to play for a full-ish house and it's also been so long since we've played in an actual bar that we forgot just how sticky spilled alcohol can be. But don't worry about us.....we were alright. All the squishy sounds each time we took a step were sort of amusing to me.
A girl came up to ask us to play something that she could dance to and we had to wonder exactly what kind of music she was referring to, because there were people dancing while she was making her request.
And those boys in Vermilion really take their pool seriously (the cue ball kind, not the swimming kind). I thought that Jake was getting ready to jump in and be the bouncer to break up a dispute, but they seemed to work it out themselves.
Then we get to the end of the evening and Mr. Plastered decides that he wants to play the tambourine. As he invaded our inner sanctum, his foot made direct contact with Jake's then full water glass. Amazingly enough, the water missed Jake's foot board but it immersed all our
cords. It's remarkable how much water a single glass holds after it's spilled.
This guy must have been a regular there and/or the sticky floor was due to his previous spillage because he knew right where the towels were kept and went to get some to sop up his mess.
While he was wiping up the water, he never missed a beat with the tambourine. It was probably a much more interesting view from the bar than from our vantage point ~ he was bent over at the waist, wiping the floor with one hand, banging the tambourine against his upturned butt with the other hand.
The good news is that we didn't get electrocuted and their cleaner's job was made easier, because the water spilled on the sticky part of the floor.
9/9 - Dragon Ranch
From what I recall, it was a pretty low key gig, but I do remember a couple things ~
Jake's pilot peeps flew in and stayed for the duration. That was awfully nice of them. And they appeared to be staying because they were enjoying themselves and not out of any obligation. What a concept.
There was also a couple with their son, who had been asked to audition for some musical somewhere.....hey, I barely got all the gory details at the moment, so be amazed that this much is seeping through.
And Ed & Penny came out before heading off to Vermilion for a jam (musical type, not toast type). Ed was completely awestruck by Jake's guitar playing. And with good reason ~ Jake is phenomenal!
Monday, September 12, 2011
9/3 - Riverside Wine
The party at the table directly in front of us was already in full force when we got there and they stayed for the duration.
And the trains were pretty consistent all evening as well. They seemed a lot longer this time, like whole songs worth of long. Oh well, it kept things interesting.
Along with the people and the trains, there were an overabundance of bugs and with Jake being the bug whisperer, we were able to carry on with no screaming or flailing about.
9/2 - Whole Foods, University Hts
What a treat it was to see Big Rig Bernie again. He made a surprise appearance, but I think that the word got out, because there was a plethora-o-people there this time. I'm talkin' a lot.
And thanks to Jim and Paula for coming out. It was good to see you both again.
Our new friend, Eileen gave us quite a few pointers. In writing. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.
Those were the highlights. We had our usual tiny dancers and a couple older ones as well, but nothing earth shattering.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
BW3, Strongsville
And once again, he didn't miss much. Nobody trampled through the equipment as we were setting up and nobody had sex in the parking lot. I mean really, how can you top that?
One of the guys in a bachelor party requested that we play some Beatles, because the groom-to-be really like them. We played "Oh, Darlin'" and quickly realized that was a bad choice for someone who is about to get married. So, we tried to save ourselves, but ended up playing a couple more good-love-turned-bad songs and then it hit me that we knew one happy song ~
"Happy Together". Oddly enough, after we played the happy song for him they took the bachelor party inside. Oh well.
8/19 - Whole Foods, Beachwood
Although, he really didn't miss much at this one and I think it's because his absence effected everyone, not just me. Jake's favorite fan was concerned when she didn't see him, so I explained his lack-o-presence to her. She accepted it, but like me was not happy about it.
The only dancers we had were our regulars, who are starting to come out of their shell with us. Two little girls who are sisters and as different as night and day. One of them is a little tomboy and the other one is a little princess, who brought ballet moves to "The Letter". Betcha that was never in The Boxtops' and/or Joe Cocker's wildest dreams (oh no, wait....that's the Moody Blues).
8/18 - Panini's, Chagrin Falls
Last time was the power outage. This time was the rain/thunder/lightning. But at least this time we still got to play, just not outside. And of course the storm stopped about 3 seconds after we started, so all the people coming in paraded past us on their way outside to the patio and then paraded back as they were leaving. During our break I suggested to the boys that we tear down and reset up outside, but noooooooooooo.
Thanks to Jim and his crew and to our new family of friends for staying inside with us. You guys made the gig for us!
Friday, August 19, 2011
8/13 - Jammy Buggers
It's a neato-peato place, especially if you're out and about and hungry between 10pm and midnight. They have a $3 menu, which includes a 1/4lb cheeseburger. How great is that?
There are some fun little games stashed under the coffee table, which Jake and I tried our hand at (inside joke for Jake). They also feature local artists' work and are all around friendly people. Just go there.
Our new friend, Paul and his crew were our big supporters. They even requested originals. That just never happens. And I think it's time that Jake names his guitar, but it has to be a stripper name, since Paul so deftly slid his tip into the G string....
Friday, August 12, 2011
8/6 - Riverside Wines
our first deck gig. Patio gigs are nice, but what a great set up they have ~ a multi-layered deck with flowers and fountains (too many in Jake's opinion) that overlooks a ravine into the river. On the opposite side of the ravine is a train track. A very active train track.
The trains made for a nice backdrop to Folsom Prison Blues and Driver 8.
We had a nice little support crew along the side, that is when their attention wasn't on the trains. How refreshing it was to see that inner child poking through the surface of some of the adults. Remember when we were kids and we would give the universal hand signal to truck drivers so that they would blow their horns? That's what these people were doing to the train drivers....would they be conductors or engineers? Either way, those guys made it very clear that their horns were in good working order.
Aside from all the train stuff, I got to be Spider Woman, but I didn't get to wear a neat suit that shoots webs out of the wrists. So, I guess it was more like spider patrol, keeping the arachnids from encasing us, along with our mic stands in their webs. You're welcome, Jake.
With 10 minutes to go, the rain started up again. And how ironic is it that it happened while I was singing, "crying on the corner, waiting in the rain" and "all of my life I've been waiting in the rain". We closed up shop early to avoid the downpour that never came. We'll sing for 10 extra minutes the next time we're there to make up for it.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
8/5 - Herb's Tavern
It never ceases to amaze me how we can make ourselves fit into tight spaces. Somehow, we made it work and we had fun doing it. I suppose that if our musical careers come to a screeching halt, we could always get jobs in the circus as the clowns in a Volkswagen.
Dorothy is a trooper, she made it out with her foot in an air cast. Poor little thing broke her toe. Ouch. Suzie kept her company. Thanks, girls for coming out!
Jim, Marilyln, Irv, and Judi were there to support us as well. You guys are all right.
Mike was driving along Detroit, minding his own beeswax when he realized that we were playing on the patio. It was too late for him to turn back, but he said he'll catch us there next time.
8/4 - Panini's, Chagrin Falls
We make our way to Chagrin Falls, which is not like going around the corner, but not the bar in Lakewood. Wait a minute....we actually did go there after the gig that wasn't. Anyway, we get there only to discover that moments before our arrival there was a horrible accident that took out a utility pole, so Panini's was without power.
To ease his frustrations of having no power, no generator, and no customers, the manager got his golf clubs out of his car and started hitting balls through the parking lot to the woods behind. Thankfully, he hit them high enough so that no cars or Mojo van was injured in the process.
We hung around for a bit to see if the situation would improve, but it did not. We'll be back there on Thurs, the 18th to try again.
7/30 - Dockers, Kelleys Island
We decided to make a day of it, which started with the glacial grooves. To most people, it's quite an impressive sight. Jake is not most people.
Everyone of us has our strengths and mine is clearly not put-put golf. I started out keeping pace with the boys, and if high scores won I would have been the grand champion. I did however get a hole in one and I'm pretty sure that "one" is the key word there, as in one time.
Had dinch (kinda like brunch, but between lunch and dinner) at The Pump, then headed down to the Casino bar to catch Armstrong Bearcat Band for a couple songs.
I do believe that the set up for bands at Dockers might just be the best ever. Not only did we have a stage, but we had a wonderful view of the water.
Mudcat was right at home when a jet ski pulled up to the dock. Those are his favorites (or not).
I like it that the bar had water dishes set out for the visiting dogs. Real dogs. And they even put ice cubes in the water for them. How nice is that?
So, I'm in the middle of singing Crazy on You when this seemingly normal guy walks up toward the stage, looks me in the eye, then his expression changes to completely insane and he starts jumping up and down, flailing his arms around like he's having a fit and not fit to have it. This goes on for only a few seconds and then as abruptly as he started, he stopped, turned around and walked back to his place at the bar in the same normal way he started out. I'm not
sure what that was all about, but I'm glad he put that space between us again.
Johnny C. came up and sang Folsom Prison and he did quite a good job with it. Then he started ad libbing with the words and was most entertaining.
This gig's super duper cutie was a little boy who was probably 2-ish, give or take an ish who thought it was way more fun to just run around with a maraca having mom and dad take turns chasing him than it was to shake it to make some noise. When mom and dad needed a break from running after him they brought him up to the front of the stage and held him while he looked up and up and up at Jake with an expression like he had just seen his first real giant. Then the mischievous look resurfaced, complete with that knowing grin as he wiggled his way free from his parental clutches and took off running with maraca held high.
Some of us are people watchers and some of us are not. Mudcat is not. There's a table directly in front of Mud with a couple who start out their stay with us friendly enough toward each other, but as the beer flowed, apparently so did some hurtful words. It got to the point where the guy was grumbling loud enough to the girl that I could hear his grumbling over our playing. She starts to cry and then puts on her sunglasses to hide the tears she's dabbing at with napkins. Here's where the part about Mudcat not being a people watcher comes in to play ~ he starts up all these songs that have to do with love gone bad, breaking up, etc. I felt horrible singing, "I'm gonna swallow my tears" as this poor girl is crying. Thankfully, he didn't start playing Happy Together.
And of course there were the drunken island girls who tried to dance, but ended up doing more hanging onto each other for balance than they did dancing. One of them tried to request a song and I'm pretty sure that I got a little tipsy just from her breath.
Everyone seemed to have a good time (except for the fighting couple). We certainly enjoyed ourselves!
Then on the ferry ride back, we got to feel like real celebrities when this girl points toward us and says, "hey, you're the band from guys were great!".
Thursday, August 4, 2011
7/29 - BW3, Medina
Thankfully, the weather cooperated and we got to be on the patio. We were set up at the opposite end of the main doors and it was most amusing to see the people who were leaving during the second set look over at us like we had just magically appeared. It made me wonder exactly how long they had been in there.
Other than that, it was a pretty uneventful gig.
Oh yeah, thanks Jake for making me laugh and laugh!
Monday, August 1, 2011
7/28 - Fat Little Buddies
We even had a stage!
The rain stopped just in time for us to set up and it stayed away through the entire evening, however it was so horribly humid that we had to wipe down all the equipment before we packed it up.
Thanks to Marilyn and Jim for coming out and enduring the thick air and the biting bugs.
We had some dancers, including a tiny dancer who seemed to be much more interested in seeing how still he could stand than in dancing.
And our guest singer entertained us with chorus and verse (or was that verse and chorus) after giving thorough and detailed instructions to Jake.
Friday, July 29, 2011
7/23 - The Pub
As always, the bread pudding was just scrumptious. I do believe that we'll be going back at some point this year just for that.
We missed seeing Rita. Of course, it was the one time she had a Saturday off. Make sure to ask for her if you go to the Pub for dinner and/or bread pudding. She's a doll.
Rosemary, Betty and Chloe came out to see us. What a treat having my smallest of girlfriends there!
Judi and Irv, what can I say? Thanks for being there.
Peter and company stayed for the duration. It was nice to see them again.
The neighbor lady (I'm sorry, but I don't know your name) walked between the raindrops to come over and support us. She's never missed a gig, but always leaves before I get a chance to go talk with her. The first time she was there, she told Mudcat that she was sitting out on her porch and liked what she heard, so she had to come over and see us.
There was a little boy watching us bring the equipment bags in and after we had everything in, this was our conversation ~
Little Boy: That's a lot of suitcases.
Lola: You're right, it is.
Little Boy: What's in them?
Lola: Everything we need to play some music for you.
Little Boy: Why aren't you playing now?
Lola: Because we have to take everything out of the suitcases first.
Little Boy: When will you start?
Lola: As soon as we have everything set up.
Little Boy: How long will that be?
Lola: Until we're done.
Little Boy: Oh
Enter Little Boy's little brother. He just stood there dramatically plugging his ears with his fingers (and yes, we were still in the setting up stage).
It was a fun start to a fun gig.
Thanks again!
7/22 - Whole Foods, Beachwood
Jake asked me to remind him to get flour for his mom when we were done. I thought he said flowers, not flour so my response was, "what did you do?". Hope the zucchini bread turned out good!
They must have had an incredibly dee-ish appetizer at the sampling station near us, because that area was crowded during most of the 5x7. Hey, do you think it could have been because they were listening to us? That's a pastability.
Friday, July 22, 2011
7/15 - BW3, Strongsville
So, we're on the patio just starting to set up. These 2 guys decide that it would make way more sense to cut through the patio doing a serpentine thing all around the equipment bags to get inside. That kind of stuff annoys me to no end, so I had to bitch about it to someone...lucky Jake. He was bringing more equipment on to the patio and missed it. No sooner did I get done telling him about it when these same 2 guys come back out and repeat the process, but this time some of the equipment is set up. I asked them where they lived so I could come over to their house and walk through their shit. For some reason, I never got an address. Go figure.
During that whole set up process, I managed to pinch my finger (not to be confused with pull my finger) in the mic stand, which resulted in a lovely blood blister. But, don't worry about me...I'll be alright. It's just a flesh wound.
Thanks to Linda, Judy, and Chris for stopping out! It's always nice to see some familiar faces. They got there just in time to see the moon rise. And it's always fun to sing "Moon Dance" during a full moon.
Maybe that full moon had something to do with all the over active libidos...back to the Sex in the Suburbs.
As I was singing "Fire", these 2 guys (but not the same 2 guys from before) are walking to their car and one of them breaks into some really sexy dance moves while the other one sashays along with him. Pretty sure there was a little more than just dancing going on there.
Now, the tables on the patio are quite close together, so what happens at one table is not easy to block out of your sight from any other table. Keeping that in mind, a table with a family who were having a nice wholesome time is opposite a table with a couple who were also having a wholesome time (one of them had their whole tongue in some part of the other's mouth) during "One Way Out". Jake said that he never realized that was a make out song and I never realized just how long that song takes.
And then there was THE COUPLE ~ they leave on the guy's motorcycle during the first set, so big deal. But, during the second set they come back on the bike (well, duh), she gets off of it and starts doing these stretches that are way more provocative than cat like. Apparently, she needs to stretch before a good workout...I mean before sex.
They both get into the van that he parked the bike next to and thankfully the van was not facing us. Let me tell you that moon roof was doing double duty ~ it let the full moon in and it let the full moon out....wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more. Oh, but I have to say more.
Not only was the van rocking, but from where we were set up on the patio, we could pretty much see everything through the side windows and like a bad car wreck it was really difficult to look away. I was tempted to take the tip bucket over to them and tell them it was our donation for a room, but I was afraid that if I got that up close and personal I would have to wash my eyes out with acid. We were also tempted to turn our stage lights onto full strobe and spin them around to face the van, but we didn't.
And as if that whole thing wasn't bad enough, the guy gets out of the van and then zips up. I will never eat at Hot Dog Heaven again.
Monday, July 18, 2011
7/9 - Dragon Ranch
That was the highlight of this gig.
7/8 - Cebar's Euclid Tavern
And as Project Mojo luck would have it, the weather was finally decent and that meant that pretty much everyone was outside on the patio where we weren't.
The few agoraphobes in attendance were most appreciative in their individual ways. We even learned a few new "dance" moves.
Our new friend, Kevin was quite pleased that he stopped in for an adult beverage while out for a walk around the neighborhood. He really liked our selection of tunes and took our card with the promise of coming out to see us again.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
7/4 - Meadows Fireworks
We missed seeing Mary Lou (Vic's grandma) and singing her favorites to her. Hopefully, she'll be back for the party next year.
The ultralight (flying lawn mower, as I like to call it) made it's annual appearance, so that was fun to see.
And it's usually the kids who are the dancers, but this time one of the neighbor ladies let her inner child loose and danced a bit.
Of course, the fireworks were grand. Looking forward to doing it all again next year.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
7/1 - Whole Foods, University Hts.
According to the world wide web, olives are the fruit of the olive tree. Now what was my point?
We were also right next to the sampler table for the 5x7 that had biscuits topped with vanilla ice cream and fruit (now, these I know were fruit ~ strawberries and blueberries).
Gotta love it when a food item can be patriotic. And thankfully, there were some leftovers that we got to sample before we packed up. And if you'd like to know how to make them for your own self, just ask Jake...he got the recipe.
Of course, a Whole Foods gig is not complete without kids; a cutie little boy who was a miniature Mudcat right down to the baseball cap and the tapping foot, the little girl who was in awe of Jake (pretty sure she thought he was a giant), and the tiniest of kids who clearly was experiencing live music for the first time, but she didn't seem to mind....after all, we're not as annoying as what you would think.
Monday, June 27, 2011
6/25 - John Palmer's Bistro 44
6/24 - BW3, Medina
After bringing our equipment in through a 5 mile long maze, we were not rewarded with cheese at the end of the maze, just a table full of people where we needed to set up. And they were just being served their wings and another round of beer, so we knew it was going to be a wait.
Trying to stay out of the way, we piled our gear around and in front of this game that is similar to "the claw", but this one had the prizes hanging from strings and in place of the claw was some sort of scissors device to cut the string to free the prize. Sounds easy enough, right? Not according to the note on the front of the machine that informed the game player that the string doesn't always cut, so keep trying. Wow, if people are that desperate to give away their money, I am quite sure that I can come up with some sort of scam (I mean game) to take their money (I mean test their skill).
While we're waiting for these people to eat and drink, the manager comes over to us and asks us to move our things because some kids want to play the game. Move it where exactly? We moved it in front of the servers' station, which made for some fancy footwork on their part.
After a bit, we were finally able to set up, but in the same space that a table with 4 bar stools was occupying and let me tell you, that is not a lot of space. I had to sing sideways....kinda felt like one of the Supremes, but with out the fancy dress and bouffant.
We had a surprise guest ~ Big Rig Bernie and his fearless fliers. Thanks for coming out, it was great to see you!
6/18 - The Mustard Seed
And for crying out loud, be careful out there ~ it was injury central with broken arms, wrists, legs. One man had a cast on his elbow and an air boot on his foot. I don't know what's happening over there, but I'm glad we made it out in once piece.
There were lots of appreciative people and that always makes for a nice gig. Thanks everyone!
6/17 - Whole Foods, Beachwood
This time, we were scootched over so that Jake was the only one of us who had a room with a view. Mudcat and I could see down the ice cream aisle, which wasn't getting much traffic.
There were some familiar faces this time around. And how did I know this if I didn't have view, you ask? Jake told me.
And their carrot cake is yummy, that is if you like carrot cake. Was so happy to have a sample!
Monday, June 20, 2011
6/11 - The Pub
There was a bridal shower going on that took up the back area. I don't know about you, but I've never seen men at a wedding shower, except for the groom, but about half of this party were men and they actually played the shower games along with the women. I'm thinkin' that all the trays of shots we saw Rita taking to their table might have had something to do with their participation.
Thanks to Dorothy and her Beau for stopping by and staying a bit. It's always great to see you!
Judi and her crew of Irv, John, Donna, and Sheril came out to eat, drink, and be merry as well.
And our neighborhood friend walked over and stayed for the duration. She and another couple actually chanted "encore" and I'm pretty sure they meant for us to sing more, not for their server to bring them a frozen dinner.
Friday, June 17, 2011
6/10 - BW3, Strongsville
It was nice of them to reroute us to an inside spot, however it would have been even nicer had there not been a hockey game in the main dining room/bar area. Apparently, people were more interested in the hockey game than in us and it wasn't an option to have the game and our gig share the spotlight. Because of that, we ended up in the furthest, most remote corner of the building.....far, far away from the viewing public with the exception of 4 tables who wanted family time and were quite happy to be in the overflow section.
Phil, Jackie, and Ken stopped by for the second set, which was a good thing because by then the families were gone and that left just us.
Chris, Alisa, and Biz also stopped by for a bit to keep track of the placement of my feet.
6/4 - Panini's, Concord
The best thing was that we only had to carry the equipment about 3 feet. Got to park right outside of the gate that lead to our spot.
It was an interesting evening, what with the woman who just had to plow through our set up to get outside ('re already outside) so that she could talk to her little dog. And I double checked with Jake to make sure I heard her correctly. I did. She was talking to her dog.
But it's okay, because she told us that she wouldn't break anything. This was right before we were getting ready to start and then we closed the gate behind her before we got underway. She came back, but used the door just like everyone else.
Then there was the chick who interrupted Mudcat's introduction (guess she didn't care who we were or what we were about) to request that we sing happy birthday to her friend and when we started our version of the song, she turned around and gave us the look of death, but haha ~ joke's on her, we didn't die.
And then we had the "maraca incident". Birthday requester and her non-birthday friend came out of the incident unmaimed, but I'm pretty sure that Jake was secretly hoping for a cat fight.
Let's not forget about Mark, who came to the realization during his debut of "Down by the River" (using his phone to display the lyrics in lieu of the karaoke machine we did not have) that telling people you sing with celebrities is where he should have left it.
Monday, June 13, 2011
6/3 - Whole Foods, University Hts
Our new friend, Eileen saw us through from start to finish. Thanks!
We had some dancers; a brother/sister duo. Their mom sure has her hands full.
At one point, Jake thought that we were in Lakewood rather than University Hts, but I set him straight.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
5/13 - Whole Foods, Beachwood
This time around we had twin boys, probably around 2-ish years old. Dressed alike in their khaki pants and oxford white shirts was where the similarities began and ended with these little guys.
One of the twins looked like a miniature version of dad and the other one looked exactly like his mom. The boys were having had everything under the sun mixed in his, all bright and colorful, while mom's clone had plain noodles. His shoes were nowhere to be seen, his little shirt tail was hanging out and he wanted nothing to do with dad trying to get him to chair dance (or cart dance in this case), while the dad look-alike, who was still fully clothed and shoed insisted on getting out of the cart so that he could dance and jump.....and run.
And it seems that each time we play here, we see a celebrity. This time around it was Janice Joplin. Obviously, we count people who resemble celebrities as being true celebrities. It doesn't take much for us.
5/7 - Dragon Ranch
Toward the end we had some favorable comments, so I guess we filtered through on some level.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
4/23 - The Pub
And that's 600 gigs in the course of 6-ish years. Is that just crazy?
Thank you, Betty for spending time with us before hand and for treating us to our celebratory meal. You are the way best! And thank you for inviting your group(s) out to see us.
Looks like we have a new groupie (as long as her parents drive her to our gigs). She is quite fond of science fairs and is now an accomplished shaker of the egg.
And we still have some CD's left over that didn't make it into the hands of those congratulating us during our break (see Mudcat's FB post for that little contest), so join us for our 700th gig and you just might be a winner! Don't worry, we'll remind you.
Monday, April 25, 2011
4/22 - Whole Foods
But, according to my sources there were a lot of babies there.
Once again, this is why the boys don't write these posts.
Friday, April 22, 2011
4/8 - Cabana's
We had a celebrity in our midst, but didn't find out until the last song. It was Beetlejuice. Well, if you didn't look at the guy and just listened to his voice. Dead on. He sang Folsom Prison Blues with Mudcat.
And Beetlejuice was amazed that anyone would take a baby on vacation. Not sure if he felt that the baby hadn't lived long enough to need a vacation or if it really wasn't a vacation for the parents...probably that one.
And the guy who paid us told us that we were much better than the other band they had in there....they were terrible. Thanks, I think.
4/2 - Sammy K's
No ball room dancers this time, but we did have a back up singer.
Our new friends; Jocko (the back up singer), Sally, Barb, and Fernando stayed for the duration. They were a lot of fun, plus they talked to me after the gig enough that I barely had to do any of the tear down. I like those people.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
3/26 - Red Hawk
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
3/25 - Dragon Ranch
3/18 - Whole Foods
Friday, March 18, 2011
3/12 - BW3, Broadview Hts
Tons of thanks to Jake's entourage and to Betty and HazMat Bernie for being part of the madness.
The most exciting news bite is that Jake seems to have rounded the bend and is on his way back to being human again from his lengthy battle with the bug. Welcome back!
Monday, March 14, 2011
3/11 - Claddagh Pub
And speaking of song remakes ~ Mudcat was on a roll with them, especially turning "Layla" into "Laundry". Did you know that Eric Clapton did his own laundry at a real life laundromat while he was in LA? We didn't either until Jake told us about the video snippet, which clearly shows that Mr. Clapton has mastered the art of shirt folding. Wonder how he is at origami...
Our "stage" was certainly a new and different twist for us. Having closed the section in which we were to set up in direct line of the open kitchen, it was a true test for the Bose to see if it could broadcast around corners to the people who were seated at the bar.
3/5 - Riverside Wine
Thanks to Betty and Bernie for making it out. It's always great to have your support.
People seemed to be enjoying themselves and us (which is always a plus). One guy who was sitting off to the side of us came up after I sang "White Rabbit". He asked who sang that song and in all my smart-ass-ish-ness said, "I just did, didn't you hear me?". Hahahahaha...I crack my own self up. It was Gracie Slick, by the way.
During the break, I headed off to the ladies' room, but it was occupied, so I stepped back to wait my turn. As I was waiting, I noticed the sign that's usually at the front of restaurants....Please Wait To Be Seated. I wonder if someone there had a sense of humor or if its placement was just a koinkidink. Either way, it made me chuckle warmly.
Friday, March 4, 2011
2/27 - Trading Post
And to entice them out during the winter, a new video game has been added. It's called "Turkey Hunter USA". To shoot the birds, simply use the safety orange rifle that is tethered to the game. Apparently, the biker boys would rather try to "win" a stuffed animal from the claw machine. That's a very popular game. And the amount of stuffed animals in that game did not diminish during our stay, but the amount of money in that machine sure did increase.
If the boys get tired of talking to each other or watching TV or listening to us, they can choose from a variety of reading material found in the magazine rack by the door (the main door, not the bathroom door).
One of the boys decided to actually pay attention to us and requested that we play some White Snake. When ever we get requests, we do our best to accommodate and this was no exception. If a White Snake song was what this guy wanted then a White Snake song we would do. So I sang Mama Cass' "Dream A Little Dream". That's pretty close, right?
2/26 - Cebar's Euclid Tavern
We didn't realize that there was a band playing before us (hey, we were the headliner with an opening act!) until we got there and started to unload equipment. It was a most disconcerting experience. Turns out we weren't bumped nor was the other band our opening act.
We thought that everyone would leave once those boys pulled up stakes and moved on, but people hung around and really seemed to enjoy themselves.
I would have enjoyed myself more had Jake been with us. Pretty sure he would have enjoyed himself more to be playing his guitar on a stage for a near full house rather than being home with a fever, coughing up a lung.
Monday, February 21, 2011
2/19 - The Pub
Thanks to Betty, Sue, Jeff, Rita, and Eric for coming out to show your support, but more importantly thanks for enduring the 40 minute wait for a table.
Ooh...did you see the full moon and/or did you howl? I sure did. While I was howling, Jake turned into a werewolf. I was a wee bit terrified. It's just not something you see every day (or every full moon). Hopefully he's back to normal by now.
And if you missed us this time around, don't you worry your pretty little head ~ just come back on April 23rd, which is the next time we'll be playing The Pub.
Friday, February 18, 2011
2/12 - Euclid Tavern

Thanks to Lightnin' for sitting in with us. What fun! And thanks to Gina for being our photographer and our support.
If you were thinking about voting for the green man, then Rafael is the name to look for, not Charlie. He was the green man on "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". Two very different kinds of green.
We truly did meet East Side Chuck. Truly. And his name was actually Chuck. I had just finished singing "Dream Boat Annie" when Chuck asked me when we would be back again, so I told him that we won't be back for a while. I crack my own self up.
Oh yeah, Jake was a whore. I mean H-O-R. Oopsie.
2/11 - Scoreboards
At first glance, the dads bringing their daughters in for a Valentine's dinner was cute, but as I watched the girls try to make their way to the bathroom, that cuteness quickly diminished. The girls couldn't have been more than 9-ish and they were done up like prom queens. Clearly they had been taken to the salon to have their hair and make up done. They were wearing fancy dresses and both girls were trying to walk in high heels. What in the world are they going to have to look forward to when they're grown? Oh well, that's just my opinion.
And you know you're in the country when people ride their snowmobiles to the bar. A group in full snow mobile attire stopped in. Maybe the place is a biker bar in the summer and a snowmobiler bar in the winter. Seemed to work.
Friday, February 4, 2011
1/29 - BW3, Broadview Hts
Nothing much to write home about on this one. We had to wait for stupid, stupid, stupid basketball to finish before we could start. I so enjoy basketball. Or not.
Paul was gracious, as always. Thanks, Paul!
That's it.
1/28 - Whole Foods
As always, there were some cutie kids. Our new little friend, Giana played the maracas for a bit, but only after she gave the tambourine a test drive.
And we owe a debt of gratitude to Chris (a.k.a. East Side Chuck). So ~ gosh thanks, Chris....we never could have got there on our own.
Monday, January 31, 2011
1/20 - Fat Little Buddies
And I discovered that Bernie is a man of many talents. One such talent being the ability to close his van door without leaving the comfort of his bar stool. I think it might have been magic.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
1/15 - Riverside Wine
This was our first gig of 2011 and what a nice (and oddly interesting) way to start ~ Riverside Wine is a wine store (don't despair, they also have beer), but with a twist. They have a bar at one end and tables at the other end. Imagine a Convenient store turned wine store; the bar takes the place of the check out area, the tables take the place of the produce section and wine bottles take the place of everything that's on the shelves.
And you can get food there too, provided you get the cheese plate as that's the only item on the menu.
I'm looking forward to playing back there in the spring/summer when we can be on the deck. I do believe the deck area is bigger than the entire store. The deck overlooks the Cuyahoga with a train track at the top of the bank on the other side of the crooked river.
And wouldn't you know it ~ I went outside to check out the view and 3 seconds after I came back inside, a train went by. I was bummed. Went back outside after we packed up and it was deja vu all over again (thank you, Yogi Berra) we were pulling out of the parking lot, a train went by. DAMMIT!
Six of the people who were enjoying their wine and cheese plates were the girls of Girls' Night Out, who were quite the chair dancers and back up singers from afar. They also did all the moves for "Stop In The Name Of Love" and they joined us for "Bobby McGee". Thanks, girls!
And thank you, Bernie for supporting us on our ground breaker gig of the new year (and for requesting/insisting/demanding the encore).
Friday, January 7, 2011
12/11 - Wing Warehouse
Warehouse describes this place, but an empty warehouse describes it better.
It was the best of gigs, it was the worst of gigs. Well, I'm half right.
11/20 - Sammy K's
Anyway, there was an interesting mix of people. Most interesting were the ballroom dancers (after all, we are a ballroom band). Seriously, they really were ballroom dancers, complete with coordinating outfits and special dancing shoes that they changed into after their arrival. I was impressed with their moves, but was scared that the guy was going to loose his grip and drop the girl head first onto the floor. Thankfully, that didn't happen. And you haven't lived until you've seen the ballroom dance version of "Folsom Prison Blues". We have.
Their patio bar is open year round. It's like its own Private Idaho and I was not convinced that we were actually outside.
Oh, and how could I forget to mention our new friend, Al? According to Al, one of his closest friends is Joe Walsh, whom he opened for at the old Hullabaloo (hey, if I remember that place then so do you....we're not that old!). He also took his kids to see Joe play at the old Front Row (again....remember that place?) and they got together back stage to sing to Joe and share some "back in the day" stories. So, we did some James Gang and Eagles tunes for Al, which seemed to make him happy....although that could have been the beer.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
11/6 - Mojo's Coffee House
The regulars were there, some even hung out for a song or two before taking their coffee on the road.
One woman came in, got her coffee and left, but returned in moments to sit for a bit, so that was nice.
12/4 - Mojo's Coffe House
Crew Cut Colonel & Betty were there and we must apologize to Betty for not doing her favorite song...just yuckin'.
We had a memorable 2010 at Mojo's. Best of luck to all our Coffee Clan in 2011.