Tuesday, March 18, 2008

3/15 - Stop On Inn

Oh yeah, we had our very own personal, private Idaho friend for the evening (when he wasn't taking phone calls or going outside for a smoke break, but forgetting his cigarettes). Lawrence.
Apparently, in 5th grade Lawrence was chased home by some bullies and he turned that experience into a blues song, which of course he sang for us. Lawrence really wanted to be a movie director. That didn't seem to work out for him.

The chick's bathroom was a day-glow mess and had a questionable odor. Hey - it was like that when I got there. Honest. But, seriously it was scary. I don't know if they painted it like that
for the sobering up effect or the scared straight effect. It was the brightest pink and green that I've ever seen in my life. NOT pretty.

And then there was the boys' bathroom. We had a perfect view of the urinals every time the door was opened. I learned that most of the boys in this fine establishment are completely ready for the task at hand (pun intended) by the time they get to the urinal. They really need to tighten up the spring on that automatic door closer. The boys' bathroom was also painted white.

Aside from Lawrence and the bathrooms, it was a pretty uneventful gig. It seemed like everyone was laying low until Monday for a full blown St. Paddy's Day celebration. Every one was pretty low key. Okay, maybe not everyone. There was Lawrence after all.

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