Sunday, May 11, 2008

5/9 - Solon Freeway Lounge

This place was way different than I expected, but in a good way. It was a bowling alley with a lounge/patio, but I didn't know about the lounge/patio part at first. I honestly thought that we were going to play in the bowling alley where you couldn't hear yourself think between the bowling sounds and the 8,540 kids (in my head count that's how many kids were there). Then I spotted the lounge area.

It was exactly similar to the Driftwood gig. Play, why don't you play, no
play inside...geesh. We played inside.

One area of the ceiling over the tables in the lounge was pretty cool. It was painted to look like the sky and it had miniature biplanes and triplanes and dirigibles (isn't dirigible a great word?) hanging from a track lighting kind of thing.

This place is quite popular for dads. They get to be good dads by taking their kids bowling and then the kids can bowl and the dads can sit in the lounge drinking barley sodas. Their kids ran in every now and then to get more money and then ran back out. Everybody was happy.

Well, not everybody...but, that's a whole different story.

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