This was a patio-ish gig. Their main patio area is all enclosed with glass panels for the back wall and glass garage type doors on each end that were open, so it was pretty much like being outside. The side patio was all open and what a lovely view...

Lake Erie isn't so eerie is it?
We also got to see a heron just hangin' out on the pier until he took off to find another spot to roost. I think a heron in flight is as close to seeing a pterodactyl as we'll ever get.
Now on to more important stuff ~ food. Their desserts looked absolutely scrumptious. Jake and I wanted to be dessert judges in the worst way. I also wanted to get one of each to take home. Maybe the next time we play there (that would be Sat, June 27th from 9:00 - midnight) I can work out some sort of trade....kinda like "will work for food". Hey, the worst they can say is no.
We had a pretty steady crowd and everyone seemed to enjoy the music. That's always a plus. There was a group dining inside who came out to finish their drinks and sing and dance. They were a lot of fun. My favorite thing about them was the girl who requested "Mercedes Benz" and sang the line "I wait for delivery" as "I work for deliverance".
There's something about Jake's guitar....this time I didn't touch it, but somehow got myself hooked on it. Kinda like hooked on phonics, but different. The deliverance girl had to free me. How fitting.
Jake had his first (and I'm sure he hopes his last) encounter with midges, although the amount at the Jackalope paled in comparison to the ones at the Red House.
Ooh, and there were magic fairies flying around. Fine then, they weren't really magic and/or fairies...just some sort of cotton like puffs from the trees. But isn't it way more fun to picture magic fairies than cotton like tree puffs?
They have a really cute play area that looks like a boat. Of course, I wanted to go play on it and Jake being the mature one (well, compared to me that's not saying much) scoffed at my idea and asked me if I didn't think that was being a little bit childish. It's being child-like, not child-ish.
Remember that you can't do anything about getting older, just don't ever get old.
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