Thursday, February 16, 2012

1/21 - Solon Freeway Lounge

This is our bowling alley gig, even though we're not playing in the actual alley part....pretty sure the bowlers might take issue with that, but I'm thinkin' it would be an interesting combination of dodge ball and bowling. I hated dodge ball. Has it been outlawed yet? But I digress. I'll wait right here while you find your shocked face.

We had gobs of room and there were some tiny dancers. Sort of impatient ones at that. They were standing and waiting and giving us the miniature hairy eyeball because we were still in the setting up stage and not in the playing stage, which apparently they thought happened auto-magically. It doesn't.

After the tiny dancers went home to bed and the big girl dancers got liquored up, there was quite a party. The boyfriend of one of the girls did his obligatory dance with her, which consisted of him standing in one place and letting her dance around him.

And you know how street shoes are not to be worn on the alley, which is why we have to wear rented shoes that 45,000 other people have put their sweaty feet into....well, apparently it's okay if you wear the bowling shoes outside to have a smoke and then come back onto the alley. Apparently the thing that matters is the shoes themselves and not the content of their souls. Hmmm...I know some girls like that.

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