Sunday, July 15, 2007

7/15 - Knuckleheads

This was a big old biker bar complete with big old biker boys and underwear hanging from the ceiling. Mostly bras, with some underwear thrown in for good measure There was a pair of BIG old granny panties hanging above the ladie's room. That was a titch disturbing. They were HUGE. I'm talkin' the biggest pair of underwear you can imagine. They were also powder blue. Perhaps the color was to disguise the size. I don't know, but they were REALLY big.

Umm...what else. Oh yeah - there were bikers there. They didn't hang out in the section we were playing in, but they were there. It was most unpleasant having to play to an empty room.
Okay - almost empty. Terry and Chloe were there and there were a couple of other girls who stayed for the duration. That was pretty much it. Everyone else was in the other section.
Let's just say that if this bar were a percussion section, it would be WAY off beat.

I must say that they have a good wine there. It's called Hog Chardonay. Pretty sure it's made from grapes, not made from hogs.

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