Friday, May 29, 2009

5/22 - Glenwillow Grille

Despite the Cavs requiring everyone's attention, we still pulled off a pretty good gig. Apparently Cavs fans can multi task, because they seemed to be paying attention to us as well (and not just during the commercials).

And here's a wee bit of history for you ~ the building that houses the Glenwillow Grille was the general store for Austin Powder. Not Austin Powers...Austin Powder (the gun powder guy).
Mike (the owner) was able to keep the original woodwork and the wood walls. I wonder if old Austin ever played the guitar out on the porch...

We made a new friend. Karla, with a K (she was very, very specific about that). I couldn't quite get the importance of our knowing how to spell her name. I almost felt obligated to write her a note. Almost.

And now I think I know why our Last Call friends are thusly named. It's not because they stick around until last call, it's because they don't get there until then. Lighten up Francis, I'm just yuckin'.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

5/16 - Mojo's Coffee House

It was the Mojos at Mojo's...pretty clever, huh? Well, I was there too, but I was the one taking the picture. Of course I couldn't have thought to have Betty take the picture before she left. Oh well, it's always something.
And Betty brought a crew. THANK YOU! Grandma Jake was there too. Very nice to have you all.
Although it was nice to have all of you there, the highlight of the evening had to be when we met Don King from The Outsiders ("Time Won't Let Me"). I'm calling it my brush with greatness. He's a very nice man and he's working on a documentary about Cleveland bands. Looking forward to seeing that. Don said that he plans to have it out by Christmas, so keep your eyeballs pealed for that as well as Santa.
Oh, I know what else ~ there's a book shelf at Mojo's where you can leave a book and take a book. I wanted to take a book on the honor system that I'd bring one later, but I controlled my own self (well, Jake helped too). The book was called Mojo and it was all about music. Now, don't you think that Jake should have let me take it? Fine then. I suppose it is appropriate for them to have it there.
Ooh....and Mojo's (the coffee house, not the book or us)makes some pretty kick ass peanut butter cookies!

Monday, May 11, 2009

5/8 - Brewsters

We passed by the Plain Dealer building on the way to Brewsters and there was a Canadian (as in fowl, not person) standing right on the edge of the roof. It was way more amusing seeing it for real than telling you about it now. Never mind.

Anyway, it's been a while since we played at Brewsters and their remodelling looks great!

Once again, we had a patio gig and it rained. We set up inside and the second we got done setting up, the rain stopped and most everyone went back out to the patio. Can't blame them, that's where we wanted to be too, but the radar showed lots of green and yellow so we stayed indoors.

We had a few tables of people who stuck it out inside with us for a while, but eventually they moved on and by the end of the gig there were only a handful of people in the bar.

Oopsie, almost forgot about the bowlers who high fived each other EVERY time one of them got a strike.

And here's an actual conversation between some chick and me when we came back from our break and were ready to start up again ~

Some Chick: You guys should play outside.

Me: Well...we were supposed to, but it was raining when we set up. We just checked the radar and there's still too great of a threat for rain so we have to stay inside.

Some Chick: You guys should play outside.

Me: Let's review....

Seriously, that was our conversation. And then, without another word she exited stage left. Hmmm....I wonder if she knows Mike (see Patio gig post).

5/2 - Moonlite Tavern

This was our first time at the Moonlite and they liked us so much that they invited us back! That's such a good feeling. So, if you missed us on the 2nd, we'll be back on the 30th.

We had an actual stage to set up on. We like that. This one had mirrors all around it, which Jake was loving because he got to see his fingers workin' those strings from another person's perspective. I did not like the mirrors, because it reminded me of a work out room at the gym (well, from what I hear anyway) and I was a wee bit concerned that we were going to be the unwitting participants in a jazzercise routine. As it turned out, we weren't. Whew....

And Mudcat was loving the set up not so much for the mirrors, but for the flat screen TV pointed right at him so that he could watch the NASCAR race while we were playing. I like watching NASCAR for the pit crew and the wrecks (but only if no one is hurt...settle down).

Here's something you just don't see every day, at least not anymore ~ a pay phone on the wall.
There's something about a phone that has a receiver, a cord and is actually bigger than my thumb that I find comforting, not to mention that you have to stay in one place while you're using it. I really need to stop now, because I sound like I'm about to go into the rant of having to walk uphill both ways to the snow....and let me tell you, it was no picnic!

So, here's the thing I don't get ~ this guy was playing a video game of some sort, but before he started he pulled a chair over, stood on it and hung his keys from one of the ceiling beams. I thought maybe it was a safety feature that if he was too drunk to climb back up on the chair at the end of the night to retrieve his keys, then he would ask for the bartender to call him a cab (I've always wanted some poor drunk slob to ask me that so that I could say "okay, you're a cab". And yes, then I would call a cab to come and get them...geesh, I'm not that mean). Turns out that he just needed a place for his keys while playing the game. Here's an idea ~ how about your pants pocket, buddy?

Friday, May 8, 2009

5/1 - Rider's Inn

Well, Samantha, the resident cat made it to her 40th litter...yeah, 40th. Kinda brings a whole new meaning to the words "cat house".

This was a duo gig, because of limited band space, so Jake got the night off.

We had some hangers on (people who stayed after they finished eating), which was nice. At least we know they liked us.

Rob and his entourage were there just for the barley sodas (and us). They stayed for the duration. Thanks, boys!

All in all it was a pretty uneventful gig, but sometimes we need those to balance out the Mikes of the world (see Patio gig post).

Friday, May 1, 2009

4/25 - The Room

Sorry for the delay in writing this, but there are an awful lot of shiny things around to distract me. Okay, here we go ~

This was a slow night, probably because of the weather...yeah, let's go with that. However, everyone really liked us. Especially Rachel and that's a way good thing since she's the one who booked us!

Jake made some new friends. The boys were most impressed with him and with good reason.

Bernie was there to offer his support. Thanks!

At one point during our break, the conversation turned into a "who's on first" kinda thing. Who knew that Mrs. Robinson could cause such a ruckus? The song, not the person.

There was a guy at the bar who ordered some sort of shot and after he downed it, grimaced like I've never seen and promptly sucked on a lemon wedge. Then he nodded his approval to Allison, the bar goddess. Now, I don't know about you guys but I think that sort of compliment just wouldn't fly outside of the bar. Could you imagine having someone react like that to a gourmet meal that you prepared or after tasting brownies that you made from scratch (special or regular), or worse yet, after a kiss?

And then there was the guy who kept getting up from the bar and going over to a table where his backpack was. He rooted around with what looked like a bag of potato chips then messed around with some contraption, went back to the bar for a moment and then went outside. Turns out that it was a bag of tobacco and the contraption was a gizmo to roll cigarettes. It only took me 3 times of him doing this to figure it out....anyway, I have to wonder just how fresh you need the tobacco in your cigarette to be when you're going to light it on fire and then inhale the smoke into your lungs. Why wouldn't you just roll a bazillion at home before you head out and put them in a handy dandy carrying case? Guess you have to be a smoker to get it.

Speaking of smoking, it seemed that my songs were timed perfectly to everyone's nicotine call (at least I'm hoping that it was the call and not my singing that drove them out). Anyway, each time it happened the bar emptied out with only Bernie left. Then I started to wonder if it might not be him...

Just yuckin'.