Sunday, October 28, 2007

10/26 - The Harland

Another full moon! And it brought out the best in people. We ended up playing over our scheduled time because everyone was having such a good time and they didn't want us to leave.

We had "Dancin' Charlie" to get everyone up and moving. This man had to be about a hundred twelve, but so cute. With all the twisting and near gator moves he had, I was a little worried that there would be at least one broken hip and/or heart attack before the evening ended.
Thankfully, there was neither.

Our post card hoarder was there to turn it in for the free beer. We found out that he also handed them out to some of his friends who were there as well enjoying their free beer. But, it pretty much balanced out when Mike bought the boys and me a round of drinks.

This was my first gig since coming back from vacation. The last time I got back from vacation, my fist gig back was at the Harland. Quite a coinkidink, don't you think? AND there was a full moon at the last gig I played. Hey, it's the little things in life that mean a lot.

And speaking of coincidences, I've been working on "call me", by Blondie and I was planning on singing it at this gig, but I chickened out. Just as Mud started to play another song for me, one of the girls in the crowd requested that I do a Blondie song. So, I muddled through it.
Still wondering if Mud didn't put her up to it...

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