Wednesday, October 22, 2008

10/17 – Brewsters

This used to be an Arabica. It had pretty much the same set up as an Arabica, with the addition of a bar at one end. A coffee house with adult beverages ~ it’s the best of both worlds.

Our new friend, Bill was making a dull job fun by singing and dancing to and from his cleaning locations using the broom as a microphone and/or dance partner. He said that he liked us because we didn’t bring in a bunch of “really old, nursing home people” who got too drunk and made a mess that he had to clean up. He also said that I sound like Alanis Morissette. Never thought that or been told that before, but I took it as a compliment.

Our other new friend, Jerome did the usual request then leave thing, but he came back.

We discovered where Jake hails from ~ I-Dee-I-Dee’O, which is just south of South Belfast.

Bernie and Betty were there and during one song Bernie had happy fingers rather than happy feet, doing the best chorus line kicks ever. Hey…if the Rockets ever branch out to finger puppets, he’ll never have to look for work again!

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