Wednesday, January 20, 2010

1/15 - Whole Foods

Whole Foods as in the grocery store. Seriously. At least we weren't an end cap.

It was fun doing the sound check. I systematically wandered around the store to hear how far the sound carried. Got to the back of the store to the wine and beer section (yes, I came back) and then things started to get spotty from there on over to the produce section. Turned around and walked down the center isle and started picking up the sound again by the chips (yes, I came back).

It was interesting playing a gig while people were doing their grocery shopping. The deal was that from 5-7pm for $5 you can sample 5 different foods and wine. With the food you can go back as many times as you want, so it's a pretty good deal. And one of the sample foods was spicy macaroni & cheese and you know how I love m&c. I missed out on getting a sample, but don't worry about me....I'll be alright.

There was a woman in there with her teenage boy and girl and she just could not decide on a dairy item. She came back to the same spot 3 times and just stood there staring into the display. I'm not sure if she was doing the same thing that I do with the refrigerator, expecting some food item to have magically appeared from 5 minutes before when I last looked, or if she was just mesmerized by dairy products. Either way, her kids were having none of it and came over by us. Apparently we're as boring to them as watching their mom watch the dairy case. Oh well, could be worse.

And we had our tiny dancers again. Made their own dance floor in front of the bakery....until their mom put the kabash on that.

One chick stands out from all the rest. Even the boys noticed her and not because she was blonde....although, they may have noticed her hotness first and her odd fashion sense second. Anyway, remember those navy blue down parkas from the 70's? This one had a twist to it and I'm thinkin' that she either got it on the clearance rack after it had been marked down so much that the next price adjustment would have been for the store to pay her to take it off their hands or she paid an exorbitant amount of money for it, because it was a designer one of a kind coat (let's hope it's one of a kind). Okay, here goes and I am so not exaggerating ~

Imagine one of those navy blue down parkas that's been streamlined to be form fitting (that part is fine), but then imagine that streamlined parka and the shoulders of the worst bridesmaid dress from the 70's melding into one garment. The top of the coat looked like a giant bow with her head being the knot......hey, wonder if that's where the expression "knothead" comes from.

Mud thought that the shoulders of the coat were a safety device to protect her head in case she happened to fall off her boots with the 4-6 inch wood heels. It was hard to tell just how spiky they were, but they had to have been at least 4 inches.

Perhaps her coat doubles as a floatation device...

I swear her outfit looked like it was costume reject from the movie "Earth Girls Are Easy". Honesty, who dresses like that to go grocery shopping (or ever)?

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