Tuesday, April 27, 2010

4/23 - Whole Foods

It still slays me to play in a grocery store, but we did it again and the people shopping there seemed to like our music. Even had an older gentleman dancing in the aisles.

And it also amazes me that for a smart girl (Master's degree....in science), I can be really dippy. I'll try to explain it the best I can for you to get the full effect. Here goes ~

An aisle to the left of us was this woman trying to get her grand daughter, who was sitting in the shopping cart to clap and cart dance, rather than chair dance (ooh, would that be dancing a la carte? I crack my own self up, but I digress...shocking, isn't it?). Anyway, the girl was having none of her grandma's enthusiasm. She was watching us with the most intent look on her face (perhaps she was a bit perplexed about a band in a grocery store).

So, let me clarify that I know with all certainty this woman is the little girls' grandma, because of the obvious age difference, but more so because this little girl was an exact miniature of the woman.

This little girl looked like an older version of the Gerber baby. She had the most beautiful blond hair, big expressive eyes, that little pouty mouth to go with the cheeks that strangers feel compelled to "pinch" and she was wearing what looked like her Easter dress complete with the white tights and white Mary Janes, topped off with a polite little white sweater. So, you see this little girl made quite an impression on me.

The dippy part is coming. Wait for it....wait for it....

After a couple songs of just the grandma dancing and clapping, they make their way down that aisle and out of sight, but in this case it wasn't out of sight/out of mind for me (well, the out of my mind thing pretty much always applies, but you know what I mean).

A few songs later, I look over at the aisle to the right of us where this same grandma is pushing a cart with a little girl wearing the same little Easter outfit, but this little girl is about 3 times bigger than the Gerber Girl and she has black hair. My first thought was that this grandma chick was not paying attention and took the wrong cart with someone else's kid in it and I was horrified at how she wouldn't have noticed.

And then I saw that grandma wasn't alone. The woman with her was clearly her daughter, who looked just like a younger grandma with black hair and an older version of the girl in grandma's new cart and she was pushing the cart with the Gerber Girl. She also had a baby in one of those front papoose things. And the baby looked just like her too. If it weren't for the women's sunny dispositions and the dark hair, they could have been from "Children of the Corn".

So, that's my dippy story.

This grocery store is more like a health food store with just about everything being all natural, organic, or "green" and yet a woman strolled by us with a McDonald's cup, sipping some kind of liquid that probably wasn't all natural or organic....but it might have been green (just not "green"). Clearly, she wasn't a health food nut.

And then there was the guy who had a bag of carrots in his cart. Not just any bag and not just any carrots. This was an industrial size bag, like 50 lbs. And the carrots were giant (maybe they grew next to the Perry power plant). I'm thinking that this guy either has a horse, a really big rabbit named Harvey or a big old juicer at home. Seriously, how much do you have to like carrots to buy that many at one time? Obviously, way more than I like them.

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