Sunday, July 6, 2008

7/4 ~ Meadows Neighborhood Fireworks

On the way to this gig we saw a most interesting and questionably worded sign ~ Eggs and Kittens. We also saw a crane (the water type not the lifting type) and the ever listing Nessie.

This was a private idaho party for the 4th and everyone was so very nice. Tons of kids, very family oriented. Well, family oriented with adult beverages.

Our biggest support group was the kids. They set up camp about 3 feet away from us. Madison had her pink Hannah Montana guitar, complete with a mat and a microphone ("hey, good lookin' ~ we'll be back to pick you up later").

The food was a catered pig roast and tons of side dish items (although Joani's mac salad wins hands down) and gobs of great dessert items.

One little boy quickly became my favorite munchkin, because his plate had 1 of each kind of dessert item. That was it. And he was all by his own self right in front of us jammin' away while he put on his sugar buzz. His dad brought over a hot dog for him and he took an obligatory bite of it only because his dad held it for him and practically forced it on him. I so wanted to tell his dad that if he put frosting on it the kid might eat it. Maybe that's why I don't have kids...

When we were packing up, Madison's friend came up to me and asked me if I was excited about the fireworks. I told her that yes, yes I was (because I really was). Although, I'm pretty sure it was for different reasons. Her thing was that she got to stay up WAY past her bedtime, which is 8:00. My bedtime is 8:00 only if I'm butt ass tired from too much play time.

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