Saturday, October 10, 2009

9/26 - Mojo's Coffee House

Once again, Betty and her crew come through for us! Thanks to all who helped make the gig a "success" and more fun.

Our new friend, Don was there too offering up sound check advice.

Still trying to get Jake to sing more ~ he's just not having it. And during one of Mudcat's songs Jake was displaying signs of boredom, so I decided to annoy (I mean amuse) him with doing the bump. Silly me didn't consider the fact that he had no idea what the hell I was doing....he looked a wee bit horrified. But, don't worry about him....he'll be alright.

The rain decided to hold off for us through the entire gig when it wouldn't have mattered, since we were inside. But of course, as our luck would have it the rain started up just as we were finished and packing up to leave. I guess we must have been living right (at least for a few hours), because it let up to a super fine mist that didn't amount to anything while we were loading the van.

Other than that, I got nothin'.

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