Saturday, September 26, 2009

9/23 - The Hyatt Arcade

This was a lunchtime gig, so we were Jakeless. I don't like being Jakeless.

And this was also our official like 500th gig, even though we celebrated our 500th gig at the Jackalope...kinda like Veteran's Day (observed). And no, I'm not comparing us to our veterans, just how the day is always observed on the closest Monday to the actual day.

The Arcade has been around for a bazillion years and it was pretty neato-peato to play there. We were on the bridge that connects the sides on the 2nd floor.

Being a lunch time gig I figured that everyone would be too busy chowing down and watching their time to pay any attention to us, but some people were actually clapping for us. We even had a few come up from the 1st floor level on their way out to tell us that they enjoyed our music.

It was a pretty uneventful gig, which was actually quite refreshing. We just tried to blend in to the scenery.

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