Tuesday, December 22, 2009

12/12 - The Pub

This was a patio gig. All right, fine then ~ technically it was indoors, because the patio was enclosed for the winter and there were 850 heaters out there (I asked them to turn off the one directly above us), but I'm still counting it as a patio gig.

The Dunder Mifflin Christmas party was being held out there. Well, that's what Mudcat was calling them anyway, but we swear that one of the girls in their party was Angela. "Michael"
asked Mud if he could come up and make an announcement that the first 2 drinks were on him and then it was an open bar. Mudcat said that was fine, to just come up to the mic when ever he was ready. Very early on, the party started to thin from the 30 people they started with and it appeared that it was happening after each person finished their second drink. Coincidence? I think not. Anyway, when it eventually got down to "Michael" and "Dwight", Mudcat had to be a smartass and ask him when he wanted to make his important announcement.

Thanks to Betty, Bernie, and company for coming out and staying and thanks to Bernie for the barley sodas!

Mr. Peanuts made a guest appearance, but unfortunately we didn't get to talk with him because we were in the middle of a set and Peanuts left before we finished. We waved to each other, so that will have to do for now, but next time I expect double hugs.

Kevin and Jeff were the servers in the patio and they were wearing kilts. Well, not just the two of them, but all the boy servers. I really wanted to ask THE question, but I figured that they've probably been asked so many times that its cleverness was lost long ago....plus, I'm thinkin' that some things are just better left unknown. Anyway, they were very nice boys and took good care of us.

And what's a gig post from me without mentioning the bathrooms? Well, let me tell you about the bathrooms at The Pub. Actually, it's not so much the bathrooms themselves (very nice and clean), but more the journey to get to them....Across the patio to the side bar, through that section and down a small hall to the front door, a sharp right turn took me to the main bar area where the tile floor and my boots did not play nice together, eventually made my way between the bar and the booths without actually falling, to the plushly carpeted back dining room. A slalom course took me through the tables to the back of that area, then a sharp right turn down a ramp to finally arrive at the bathrooms on the left. I really could have used a GPS...or a rest stop along the way.

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