Tuesday, August 3, 2010

7/18 - Trading Post

So, it's a bazillion degrees and we get to play outside. How nice for us. We learned one thing from Jake (just the one thing) and that's to bring along our fan. And we were smart enough to bring the canopy as well, so it could have been much worse.

Their back yard area is kick ass. It's completely secluded even though it's right next to the street. Empty picnic tables abound. Well, the tables became empty when our Trading Post crew realized that the picnic table on the deck is much closer to the beer and the grill, but God bless them, it took 3 rounds for them to figure it out.

Beyond the back yard is a little bridge that takes you to a mini Woodstock area. And speaking of bridges, we did have a special guest ~ Jeff Bridges. He's a real nice guy. Down to earth (when he's not flying his plane) and disguised as a biker, he fit right in with the regulars.

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