Friday, February 4, 2011

1/28 - Whole Foods

We got to be on the other side of the store in the nuts and dried fruit aisle and that section made for much less people watching. Not that there weren't people stocking up on nuts and fruits, but that was the only aisle we could see. Our usual spot was being used as one of the tasting stops during the 5 x 7. There's just a lot more going on in the bakery/deli/dairy/salad bar section.

As always, there were some cutie kids. Our new little friend, Giana played the maracas for a bit, but only after she gave the tambourine a test drive.

And we owe a debt of gratitude to Chris (a.k.a. East Side Chuck). So ~ gosh thanks, Chris....we never could have got there on our own.

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