Tuesday, April 5, 2011

3/18 - Whole Foods

We were back to our normal spot as an end cap opposite the water where we have a great view of the bread/deli/dairy section as well as the main aisle and the check out. Jake was right ~ it's the perfect spot. I just can't get over all the cute little kids. This time we had a miniature Harry Potter and another little guy who looked exactly like a teeny tiny man, pushing his very own teeny tiny grocery cart. Too cute. Then there was the little guy in the Gap t-shirt who got confused about the venue and his gender....pretty sure he thought he was at Mardi Gras and that if he flashed his chest I would give him beads. And we had some dancersby (passersby who dance/walk). But the best thing has to be the cardboard-disguised-as-rice-cake-disguised-as-pita-bread machine. It was most entertaining. I want one. It makes the "bread" and then shoots it out into a plexiglas box. Although, if I had one it would have to make something else...anything else.

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