Monday, September 3, 2007

8/30 - Rooster's

As I was walking up to the patio where the boys had set up shop, I noticed that they were talking with a man who looked familiar to me, but I couldn't place him. When I finally made my way up to them, I saw that he was our buddy Lawrence (from the Cleve Grill). We chatted with him for a bit before we got started. He's such a nice man.

The weather was finally nice enough for people to be out on the patio and not have to feel like the Wicked Witch
(I'm melting...melting...).

We made new friends, Lynne and Cheryl. They were very funny girls. They gave Mud a new nick-name - The Brick Man, which quickly morphed into Adobe Man.

There was a young man there who was feeling the music and we were able to play all his requests. I think he may have left there a little happier than when he arrived. His mom was celebrating having him and his sister back in school. They even moved up from their table in the way back to a table up front. I think the waitress chick (oops, 2 faux pas in one) was a little nervous that they left her with the bill when she came back out and didn't see them. The look on her face was rather amusing to me.

Because Chloe wasn't there to get the high sign signal for ordering food for us, I went through M&C withdrawal. The same waitress chick who thought those people left her with the bill also thought we were invisible. Maybe I'll start bringing some in a thermos (it keeps things cold and hot, but how does it know?). Anyway, that could be my signature instead of a bottle of Southern Comfort. Hey, it could work. Macaroni & cheese is a comfort food. See the similarities?

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