Monday, February 1, 2010

1/30 - Java Cafe

Betty, thank you SO much for coming out (sorry about the time mix up) and for staying. You are the way best chick EVER!

Jake's entourage was there to offer support as well.

And we were graced with an appearance by Peanuts. Once again, I'm sorry that we didn't get to chit and chat with you. Thanks so much for stopping out. See you at your bash.

Mudcat broke a string early on in the gig, but like a Boy Scout he's always prepared. Jake and I made the best of it while Mud was re-stringing.

We had another tiny dancer, but this guy decided to incorporate surfing moves into his dance and made use of the entire length of the place. Pretty entertaining.

There was a window to the side of us that looked out to the parking lot (lovely view, by the way) and I noticed a tow truck drive by. It was one of those tow trucks that have the car sitting up on the bed of the truck, like the car is on a stage. This particular car was some maroonish car (and yes boys, that's the most important thing about a car to me). That sighting in itself was no big whoop. Some time passed (pretty sure it was time and not gas) and the very same tow truck with the very same car passed by again. Wasn't sure if the driver was circling the parking lot because he was bored or if his GPS was doing the "recalculating" thing and he just couldn't find his way out.

Some girl was there trying to take artsy fartsy pictures of a glass coffee mug. She kept moving the mug around and trying different shots. Not sure if she took any pictures of us. We're probably not as photogenic as a glass coffee mug.

The Java's turtle brownies were a big hit with Mudcat. I got distracted by something shiny and forgot to get a sample (how is that possible, that I could forget about food???), so I did the next best thing and made my own version of them last night. And not to toot my own horn, but they're most dee-lish. Pretty doubtful that there will be any left to share at the next gig.

Note to Jake: the same thing happened to me with the car alarms today in the parking lot of the grocery're not alone.

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