Saturday, July 17, 2010

7/10 - Capps Tavern

Where is Capps Tavern, you ask? It's in BF Egypt....unless you happen to live in BFE (like my brother and sister-in-law), then it's just down the road a piece.

Apparently, their golf outing was quite a success. Lots of people turned out for the event and even the loosers won something. Actually, I wouldn't have minded some of the lovely parting gifts....guess I need to take up golf. Or not.

They have a pretty cool patio, complete with a fountain that some little girl decided needed a rock rearranging. And by rearranging, I mean throwing rocks onto it. Good thing they didn't bounce back.

There's also a canopy so we got a nice little break from the blazing sun. And the OFF gave us a nice little break from the bugs once the sun went away and we turned on our lights. What is it about lights that bugs like? Maybe in their little bug minds they think they're crossing over.

We actually had some dancers, but they danced to "Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay". Odd song to dance to (I thought), but they made it work.

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