Saturday, July 17, 2010

7/8 - The Boneyard

Okay, so it's a thousand twelve degrees outside and we're scheduled to do a patio gig. I was most unhappy about that. I like patio gigs, but not when it's so stinkin' hot that everyone is inside enjoying the AC while we're outside trying not to pass out from heat exhaustion.

But, oh happy day ~ we got to play inside!

The acoustics were funky in there, but we muddled through. Muddled, actually is the key word. That's kinda what our sound was. But, oh well. We got through it. I know Jake was loving it.

Thanks to Col. Smoker and company for stopping out to see us. You guys are alright.

We got the plug pulled on us an hour early, because of the "big announcement". Stupid, stupid, stupid Lebron. Oh well, what can you do?

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