Wednesday, July 7, 2010

BW3 - Broadview Hts

This had to be one of the most uneventful gigs in PM history.

With the exception of B&B (thanks for coming out and enduring the comfy seats), it was pretty much a take out kinda night. The taker outers had a couple drinks while they waited for their food order, gave us the 2 thumbs up and promptly left.

However, I did learn a couple things ~

1) A take out order is "almost ready" at the end of the first drink and will arrive almost immediately after the second drink is served. Coincidence? I think not.

2) A vodka exists in a bottle that looks like a crystal skull (hence the name Crystal Skull Vodka).
The bottle represents the human skull carvings made from rock crystals purported to be pre-Columbian, but research has found them to be from the mid-19th century. I sound all smart, huh? Wikipedia is a wonderful thing. Reminds me of the Golden Encyclopedias....artifacts from my youth.

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