Thursday, June 19, 2008

6/14 – Mel’s Crows Nest

What a lively group we had!

William was the ring leader for the first shift. He really wanted to hear some country songs. ONLY country songs. C-Man sang a Buck Owens tune and Mudcat did a couple of Johnny Cash numbers. The closest thing to a country song that I sing is “Bobby McGee” and as I was singing it, the bar pretty much cleared out. I’m choosing to believe that it was because the group was waiting for a table in the restaurant side and it became available at that precise moment and not my singing that caused the mass exodus. Yeah, that’s it…

“Giddy up Dave” was clearly the HWIC (head weenie in charge) of the second shift crew. And what a crew they were! We had dancers and singers (kinda like country and western, but different).

Got to see some chick riding in the back of a pick up truck on the way home. She did not look happy. She did not look like any of the other dwarfs either…

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