Monday, May 11, 2009

5/8 - Brewsters

We passed by the Plain Dealer building on the way to Brewsters and there was a Canadian (as in fowl, not person) standing right on the edge of the roof. It was way more amusing seeing it for real than telling you about it now. Never mind.

Anyway, it's been a while since we played at Brewsters and their remodelling looks great!

Once again, we had a patio gig and it rained. We set up inside and the second we got done setting up, the rain stopped and most everyone went back out to the patio. Can't blame them, that's where we wanted to be too, but the radar showed lots of green and yellow so we stayed indoors.

We had a few tables of people who stuck it out inside with us for a while, but eventually they moved on and by the end of the gig there were only a handful of people in the bar.

Oopsie, almost forgot about the bowlers who high fived each other EVERY time one of them got a strike.

And here's an actual conversation between some chick and me when we came back from our break and were ready to start up again ~

Some Chick: You guys should play outside.

Me: Well...we were supposed to, but it was raining when we set up. We just checked the radar and there's still too great of a threat for rain so we have to stay inside.

Some Chick: You guys should play outside.

Me: Let's review....

Seriously, that was our conversation. And then, without another word she exited stage left. Hmmm....I wonder if she knows Mike (see Patio gig post).

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