Friday, May 1, 2009

4/25 - The Room

Sorry for the delay in writing this, but there are an awful lot of shiny things around to distract me. Okay, here we go ~

This was a slow night, probably because of the weather...yeah, let's go with that. However, everyone really liked us. Especially Rachel and that's a way good thing since she's the one who booked us!

Jake made some new friends. The boys were most impressed with him and with good reason.

Bernie was there to offer his support. Thanks!

At one point during our break, the conversation turned into a "who's on first" kinda thing. Who knew that Mrs. Robinson could cause such a ruckus? The song, not the person.

There was a guy at the bar who ordered some sort of shot and after he downed it, grimaced like I've never seen and promptly sucked on a lemon wedge. Then he nodded his approval to Allison, the bar goddess. Now, I don't know about you guys but I think that sort of compliment just wouldn't fly outside of the bar. Could you imagine having someone react like that to a gourmet meal that you prepared or after tasting brownies that you made from scratch (special or regular), or worse yet, after a kiss?

And then there was the guy who kept getting up from the bar and going over to a table where his backpack was. He rooted around with what looked like a bag of potato chips then messed around with some contraption, went back to the bar for a moment and then went outside. Turns out that it was a bag of tobacco and the contraption was a gizmo to roll cigarettes. It only took me 3 times of him doing this to figure it out....anyway, I have to wonder just how fresh you need the tobacco in your cigarette to be when you're going to light it on fire and then inhale the smoke into your lungs. Why wouldn't you just roll a bazillion at home before you head out and put them in a handy dandy carrying case? Guess you have to be a smoker to get it.

Speaking of smoking, it seemed that my songs were timed perfectly to everyone's nicotine call (at least I'm hoping that it was the call and not my singing that drove them out). Anyway, each time it happened the bar emptied out with only Bernie left. Then I started to wonder if it might not be him...

Just yuckin'.

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